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What is the
“Composite Reduction Labiaplasty”?

The “Composite Reduction Labiaplasty” is a technique developed by Prof. Gress to reduce the labia minora. It involves the reduction and tightening of the labia minora over their entire length with tightening of the clitoral hood and correction of a protruding clitoris (clitoral protrusion). The original paper was published in 2013 by Prof. Gress in the renowned “Journal for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery” (Journal of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons) published by Springer (Gress, S. Composite Reduction Labiaplasty. Aesth Plast Surg 37, 674–683 (2013).).

This technique is now the worldwide standard for reducing the labia minora.

On the Internet (e.g. Wikipedia, ChatGPT, etc.), the composite reduction labiaplasty technique is also associated with other authors. This is wrong! This technique was developed and published SOLELY by Prof. Gress. It is solely his intellectual property and scientific work!

The special thing about the composite reduction labiaplasty is that for the first time it was possible to reduce the labia minora above the clitoris and the clitoral hood. All previously published labiaplasty techniques focused exclusively on reducing the labia minora below the clitoris.

Anatomically, however, the labia minora begin at the mons pubis and extend to the lower vaginal entrance (perineum), sometimes even to the anus. In the middle, they flow around the clitoris. This section is known as the “clitoral hood”.

As labial hypertrophy (enlargement of the labia minora) usually involves excess tissue not only in the lower part, but also above the clitoris and in the area of the clitoral hood, it makes no sense to shorten the labia minora only below the clitoris. Instead, it is important to tighten the labia minora from the mons pubis to the perineum, i.e. over the entire length of the labia minora, in order to achieve a harmonious result. Otherwise, the result is aesthetically unpleasant and resembles the appearance of a small penis (small penis deformity).

A protruding clitoris (clitoral protrusion) may appear more prominent after labiaplasty than before the procedure, as the excessive sheathing of the clitoris is now less pronounced (although the clitoris remains covered). However, the composite reduction labiaplasty also corrects clitoral protrusion by lowering the clitoris slightly. This means that the clitoris no longer protrudes.

This step is particularly important if there is a desire for the labia minora to completely cover the labia majora when standing.

The English term “composite” comes from the Latin “componere”, which means “to put together”.

The composite reduction labiaplasty technique creates three independent segments. Putting these segments together results in:

  1. tightening and reduction of the labia minora over their entire length
  2. optimal tightening of the clitoral hood
  3. correction of a protruding clitoris

with optimal aesthetic and functional results.

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