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Costs of Labiaplasty / Labia Reduction
and additional information

The costs for labia correction or labia reduction depend significantly on the complexity of the procedure that is going to be performed. Depending on the type and duration of the procedure, you can expect a range between EUR 2,800 and EUR 5,500.

On one side only

Duration of surgery
1 – 1.5 hours

2,800 Euro

Purely below the clitoris

Duration of surgery
1 – 1.5 hours

3,000 Euro

Along the entire length without clitoris correction

Duration of surgery
2 hours

4,500 Euro

Composite Reduction Labiaplasty

Duration of surgery
2.5 hours

5,500 Euro

If the procedure is being performed for cosmetic reasons alone, VAT of 19% is applied to the costs, in accordance with German law. If the main reason for the operation is due to medical impairments, e.g. pain during sexual intercourse or playing sport, a deflected urinary stream, skin irritation, or frequent bladder or fungal infections, VAT is not applicable. Before the day of the surgery, you need to provide confirmation from your gynecologist that there is a medical indication for surgery. A brief written confirmation that the reduction of the labia minora is being performed for medical reasons is sufficient.

If the procedure is being performed under twilight sedation or general anesthesia, the anesthetist fees are charged in addition to the usual cost of the surgery.

Over 12,500 operations in total

Over 7,500 operations in the female genital area

Over 30 years of experience

Inventor and developer of the „Composite Reduction Labiaplasty“

Internationally renowned top specialist

Author of the international textbook
„Aesthetic and Functional Labiaplasty“ (Springer Publishing)

Professor and teacher for plastic surgery

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