Internationally renowned
Top Specialist
Prof. asoc. Dr. Stefan Gress
Plastic & Aesthetic Surgeon
Correction of the Clitoris
and Clitoral Hood
The clitoris means “small hill”. It is the only organ that serves solely for sexual stimulation.
A true enlargement of the clitoris (clitoral hypertrophy) is very rare and is often mistaken for an enlargement of the clitoral hood (hypertrophy of the prepuce) or a visible protrusion of the clitoris (clitoral protrusion).
Prof. Gress was the first to develop and publish surgical correction procedures for these anatomical changes. Today, these procedures are the worldwide standard…
Important information
Correction of Clitoris
The clitoris is shaped like a three-dimensional, inverted Y, with both shanks resting on the pubic bone. The fusion of the two shanks creates the clitoris shaft, which also pulls down largely in the recess above the middle of the pubic bone. Only the tip of this shaft is the part that is visible from the outside.
This clitoris tip corresponds anatomically to the glans of the penis and is the shape and size of a berry. In general terms, when one refers to the “clitoris”, anatomically speaking, this is merely the tip of the clitoris.
Anomalies in size and shape can be caused by hormonal influences during embryonic development in particular.
Clitoris consisting of two shanks and a central shaft. The tip of the shaft is the only visible part of the clitoris and is commonly referred to as the “clitoris”.
How does it work?
The clitoral hood is always tightened as part of the techniques for labia reduction described here, with one exception. The technique of “composite reduction labiaplasty” provides a particularly effective tightening of the clitoral hood, since, in addition to correcting the clitoral protrusion, the procedure simultaneously tightens the clitoral hood both upwards and downwards.
There are many procedures for sex correction, especially in intersexual syndromes, which we will not go into here in detail.
During the reduction of an enlarged clitoral tip, a wedge is removed from the lower edge of the clitoral tip. By joining the wound edges, the clitoral tip is then reduced by the wedge-shaped portion that was removed. Sensory disturbances are not to be expected, as the nerves transmit sensation to the clitoral tip from above and the segment is removed at the bottom.
and Treatment Options
1. Clitoral protrusion
The inner labia (minora) and the clitoris are anatomically completely different structures. Anatomically, however, they are closely connected in that the labia minora closely surround the clitoris on both sides.
If the labia minora are very pronounced and very long, there is often also a protruding clitoral tip. This is often difficult to determine at first glance, as the tip of the clitoris is covered by the long labia and the large clitoral hood.
If the clitoral hood is then tightened and the labia shortened during the labia reduction procedure, a protruding clitoris can be more noticeable than before, as it has reduced coverage by the labia minora.
It is therefore aesthetically and functionally useful to correct the protruding clitoris, especially if you want the outer labia to completely cover the inner labia.
How does it work?
Man kann eine hervorstehende Klitorisspitze nicht einfach hineinschieben, aber es ist möglich, sie nach unten abzusenken. Dies geschieht allein durch Entnahme eines Hautsegmentes unterhalb der Klitoris mit Lösen der unteren Klitorisverankerung. Durch Vereinigen der Wundränder kommt es dann zur Absenkung der Klitoris sowohl in der seitlichen als auch in frontaler Ebene:
Since the clitoris itself is not touched in this technique, there is no danger of reduced sensitivity. On the contrary: In about 40% of cases, sexual intercourse results in improved stimulation. This is due to the fact that the clitoris is situated a little closer to the vaginal entrance and can be stimulated more directly.
The corrective positioning of the clitoris is now an integral part of a comprehensive labia reduction procedure. For more details, see composite reduction labiaplasty
2. Reduction of the clitoral hood
3. Correction of a true clitoral enlargement
FAQ / Questions and Answers
Does the clitoris remain covered?
Normally, the clitoral hood provides the same coverage for the clitoris as before the procedure. This is a frequently asked question, the concern being that the clitoris might lose sensitivity due to the reduced coverage. Although this is not the case, we make sure that coverage of the clitoris is not changed in order to maintain the familiar situation.
Are there any sensory disturbances to be concerned about?
The clitoris is not touched, let alone the relevant nerves, either during correction of a clitoral protrusion or during the tightening of the clitoral hood. Therefore, if the procedure is properly performed, there is no reason to be concerned about reduced ability for sexual stimulation of the clitoris. As a rule, the sensation will remain the same as it was before the operation. In some cases (approx. 38%) sexual stimulation is even slightly increased after the position of a protruding clitoris is corrected (as in a composite reduction labiaplasty), since the clitoris is moved a little closer to the vaginal entrance, which enables more direct stimulation during sexual intercourse.
Even with reduction of a true clitoral enlargement (clitoral hyperplasia), sensory disturbances are not to be expected, since the nerves transmit sensation to the clitoris from above, while the segment removed to reduce the clitoris is taken from the below the clitoral tip.
Can a clitoral correction be performed even without reduction of the labia minora?
It can be done, of course, but the tightening of a greatly enlarged or possibly even sagging clitoris hood is always part of a correction of enlarged inner labia, so that a clitoris correction is usually performed in connection with a labia reduction. On the other hand, reduction of the clitoris tip in cases of true clitoral hyperplasia without labia correction is very well possible.
Is it possible to correct the position of the clitoris simply to increase stimulation?
Positioning the clitoris downward towards the vaginal entrance for stimulation purposes alone is not advisable, since the probability of achieving improved stimulation is quite low at 38%.
For more information on preparation and aftercare, please see: Labia reduction
Before/After Pictures
for Labia Reduction, Labia Correction and Labia Revision
„Pioneer of female genital surgery“
„The labia pope of Germany“
„The Vagina Picasso
Google Rating
From a technical point of view, I have to admit that Doctor Gress works wonders. I had little hope, but he manages to reconstruct everything and I can now feel safe and pain-free.
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…I had a vaginal tightening and I must say this man has solved all the problems I had. I no longer have urinary incontinence and everything is perfect! I also had a labia reduction and I can only say: PERFECT! This man really is an artist! …More
Jameda Review
I know that Dr. Gress is a luminary in his field and my very high expectations were met one hundred percent. I can recommend him and his incredibly friendly team without reservation!
Jameda Review
I would like to thank Prof. Gress for his great work. He did such a great job that you can’t believe it. One wonders the whole time how he did it? …More
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Over 12,500 operations in total
Over 7,500 operations in the female genital area
Over 30 years of experience
Scientific Frontrunner
Inventor of the
Composite Reduction Labiaplasty
This publication by Prof. Gress in the Journal of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery describes the world’s most renowned technique for labiaplasty. It not only reduces the labia minora below the clitoris, but also in the area of the clitoris and above. It also corrects a protruding clitoris (clitoral protrusion). This is the perfect technique if the outer labia are to completely enclose or cover the inner labia.
While the reduction of the labia minora was still considered rather unusual a few years ago, it is now part of the on the homepages of most plastic surgeons and an increasing number of gynecologists. gynecologists…
Textbook author and teacher
of female genital surgery and intimate surgery
International textbook by Prof. Gress Intimate genital surgery, especially for techniques to reduce the labia minora, to reconstruct the labia minora and for labia revision and to reduce the labia majora and for shaping the mons veneris.
Specialist for
Labia Reconstruction and Revision, Labia Reduction, Labia Correction, Vaginal Tightening
This publication by Prof. Gress entitled “Labia Minora Repair” in the Journal of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, describes the possibilities of reconstructing the labia minora after botched previous operations. The correction is described in particular detail when the labia minora below the clitoris have been excessively shortend and the clitoris protrudes too far (small penis deformity).
The demand for surgical procedures to treat the external female genital area, in particular labia reduction and labiaplasty has increased significantly in recent years…
Well known
from the media
of Plastic Surgery
Prof. Gress is a member of numerous professional societies.
It goes without saying that Prof. Gress actively participates in the most renowned specialist congresses worldwide and organizes and conducts his own teaching events and lectures, in particular to ensure the highest international standards for surgical and treatment techniques, the »State of the art«.
Professor Gress is a member in the most important national and international specialist societies.
American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Deutsche Gesellschaft der Plastischen, Rekonstruktiven und Ästhetischen Chirurgen
International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery